AFOQT Practice Test 2024 - Free AFOQT Questions and Complete Study Guide

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The vertical tail structure consists of which components?

Rudder and horizontal stabilizer

Elevators and trim tabs

Rudder and vertical stabilizer

The vertical tail structure of an aircraft is primarily responsible for providing stability and control in the yaw axis, which is the side-to-side movement of the airplane. The components that make up the vertical tail structure include the rudder and the vertical stabilizer. The vertical stabilizer is a fixed surface that provides the necessary aerodynamic stability, while the rudder, which is a movable control surface attached to the vertical stabilizer, allows the pilot to control the yaw of the aircraft by directing the airflow to counteract unwanted movements. This design enables precise control and stability during flight, particularly during turns and other maneuvering. The other combinations do not accurately reflect the components of the vertical tail structure, focusing instead on elements associated with other parts of the aircraft, like the horizontal stabilizer or elevators, which are part of the horizontal tail structure responsible for pitch control.

Horizontal stabilizer and trim tabs


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